The Weekly Roar - Monday, March 24, 2025
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The Lion's Roar Monday, March 25, 2025
A Spirited Week Ahead!
Our end-of-quarter SCA Spirit Week is off to a great start! These students in Miss Shipley's 2nd grade class were just two of the Lane lions that showcased their Lane spirit gear today!
Upcoming Events
- Continuing through Friday, 3/28 – End-of-Quarter Spirit Week (see article below for daily themes)
- Thursday, 3/27 – Family Math & STEAM Night, 5 - 7 p.m.
- Monday, 3/31 – Eid-al-Fitr Holiday, school and office closed
Tuesday, 4/1 – Student Holiday/Teacher Workday, students do not report
Tuesday, 4/1 – Kindergarten Orientation for incoming kindergarten families, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. (Note the new time)
Thursday, 4/3 – Celebration of Cultures Night, 6 – 8 p.m.
- Monday, 4/7 – “Muffins for Military Lions" potluck, 8:30 - 9 a.m.
- Tuesday, 4/8 & Wednesday, 4/9 – PTA Restaurant Nights at Olympians (all day)
Wednesday, 4/9 – Purple Up! for Military Kids Spirit Day, wear purple to show your support!
Monday, 4/14 through Friday, 4/18 – Spring Break, school and office CLOSED
Monday, 4/21 – Early Release Monday, dismissal at 1:05 p.m.
In This Issue
- Eid al-Fitr Holiday Next Monday, March 31st
- Math + STEAM = A Fun Night of Family Learning!
Celebration of Cultures Night Is Thursday, April 3! Sign Up to Share Your Family’s Culture!
- End-of-Quarter SCA Spirit Days Coming Soon!
- 2024-25 Yearbook Early Bird Pricing Ends This Friday!
- Month of the Military Child Schoolwide Celebration Coming Next Month; Morning Reception Open to All on Monday, April 7
Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Screening for Subject-Specific and Part-Time Services; Referrals Due April 15
Orientation for Incoming Kindergarteners and Their Parents – Tuesday, April 1st, 9:30 a.m.
- Survey of Preschool Children
- PTA News: Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser
- Parent Resources: Summer learning, Family Resource Center webinars
- FCPS News & Activities: 2025-2026 Budget, Community Conversations
News & Notes
Eid al-Fitr Holiday Next Monday, March 31st
Eid al-Fitr, also known as small Eid, marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, and is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar.
Muslims congregate that morning for Eid prayers. It is a time of official receptions and private visits, when friends greet one another, presents are given, new clothes are worn, and the graves of relatives are visited.
The most common way to wish someone a Happy Eid al-Fitr is “Eid Mubarak,” which means “blessed feast” (or festival). We send this greeting to all in our community who celebrate! Read more about Eid at
Math + STEAM = A Fun Night of Family Learning This Thursday!
This Thursday, March 27, Lane will host a Math & STEAM Night from 5 to 7 p.m. All families are invited to attend to learn more about how science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) are taught and explored throughout our curriculum and all grade levels at our school. Hands-on exhibits will feature everything from basic building blocks to high-tech robots. Interactive math sessions will include strategies, tips, and games with make-and-take activities to carry a piece of the learning home.
If you’d like to attend, please sign-up here to help us plan and ensure enough materials are available that night.
We hope to see you there!
Celebration of Cultures Night Is Next Thursday, April 3! Sign Up to Share Your Family’s Culture!
We are so excited for our upcoming Celebration of Cultures Night, which will be held on Thursday, April 3, from 6 to 8 p.m. We hope your family will join us!
There are many ways your family can participate and share about your culture. You can host a display booth; serve food samples; perform a song, a dance, or skill demonstration; wear cultural clothes and march in our Parade of Nations; or do it all! Just scan the QR code on the flyer or use this link to sign up!
All cultures are welcome! You do not need to be from a foreign country to participate. We want to learn about all of our families!
Calling All Military Families!This year, to kick off our Month of the Military Child observance, we will have a special area reserved at Celebration of Cultures Night for displays from our military families. We hope you will share your experiences and travels with us! Check the back of the flyer for additional information.
Spring CARE Night ActivitiesCelebration of Cultures Night will also serve as our Spring Cultural Awareness & Recognition Event (CARE) Night and will include special areas with displays and activities for Arab American Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, Easter, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and Caribbean Heritage Month.
Please sign up today to participate and share your culture! If we don’t get at least 15 families to sign up for a display, food, or performance, we will have to postpone or cancel the event.
End-of-Quarter Spirit Days Continue This Week
We’re almost to the end of the third quarter, which means it’s time for our SCA-sponsored school spirit week! We kicked off the celebration today with a sea of blue and yellow as students and staff showed off their Lane spirit wear. Here are the themes for the rest of the week.
- Tuesday, March 25: Inside Out Day – wear clothes inside-out OR dress like a mood, like the movie Inside Out
- Wednesday, March 26: Workout Wednesday – wear your favorite active wear and sneakers and pretend you have P.E. all day
- Thursday, March 27: Math and Science Day – in support of the Lane Family Math and STEAM Night, wear something with numbers, shapes, patterns, the periodic table OR dress like a scientist
- Friday, March 28: Wild West Day – tap into your inner cowperson; boots and hats welcome but optional.
We hope your child will participate!
2024-2025 Yearbook Early Bird Pricing Ends This Friday!
School yearbooks are now on sale. The basic book is just $18 now, but the price will go up to $22 at the end of March. You can have your child’s name printed on the cover for an additional $5. Order now and save!
Ordering is simple: Just go to, put in Lane Yearbook School ID #722060, and pay with your credit card. All orders are online only. The early-bird deadline is THIS FRIDAY, March 28.
PLEASE NOTE: There most likely will not be any additional books for sale in June. If you want your child to have a yearbook, please order one now.
Schoolwide Celebration of Military Children Coming Next Month; Morning Reception Open to All on Monday, April 7
As mentioned above, April is the Month of the Military Child (MOMC), and here at Lane we are planning several special activities to celebrate the strength, spirit, and resilience of the many young military-connected lions we have in our community. Nearly 25 percent of our student body is military-connected.
Each year, we host a “Muffins for Military Lions” reception to kick off “Purple Up! Week” (a nationwide celebration dedicated to military children). We recognize that all Lane Lions are connected to these students as classmates, friends, neighbors, and more, so all Lane Lions – military and non-military – and their families are invited to come to school at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, April 7, for a celebratory muffin exchange, “Muffins with Military Lions.”
We ask that each family bring a dozen mini muffins or half a dozen full-size muffins to share with others. Muffins can be store-bought or homemade. We just ask that if you make your own you provide an ingredients list so that our families with allergies can choose safely.
If you’d like to join us that morning, please fill out this form and tell us what you’ll bring.
Other military-centered activities coming next month include:
“Purple Up!” Day on Wednesday, April 9th
One day in April is selected each year as the day to “Purple Up!” for military kids, and all are encouraged to wear purple to honor the strength and sacrifices of military-connected youth. Why purple? Purple is the color that symbolizes all branches of the military, as it is the combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red, Navy blue, and Space Force dark blue. This year “Purple Up!” Day will be celebrated at Lane on Wednesday, April 9. We hope your children will join other Lane students and staff in “purpling up” their wardrobes that day.
Morning Meeting Shares
Throughout this month of recognition, we encourage our military lions to share their experiences as military children with their classmates during Morning Meeting. If your child would like to participate, please sign up here.
Dandelion Wall Display
The dandelion is a symbol of military children because they are beautiful, resilient, and flourish wherever their seeds may land. We will be building a large dandelion display in our hallway, and we’d like to add the names of our military students as the “seeds.” Watch Wednesday Folders this week for a template to fill out and return if your child is military connected. We will add them to wall in April.
Chains of Connection
To continue our “Purple Up!” theme, we will be creating purple paper chains to decorate our school. All students will have the chance to celebrate members of the military and/or military children by dedicating a “link” to them.
Military-Student/Family Slide Show
Finally, to end our Month of the Military Child activities, we will create a special slide show featuring our military students! If you are a military family and would like us to include your child(ren) in the slide show, please email pictures (no more than three, please) to our family liaison, Melanie Crosby Hardy, at [email protected]. When you send the pictures, please let us know that it is OK to use the family name in the show (i.e. – The Smith Family). The slide show will not be shared publicly; it will only be shown at school. Pictures must be received by Friday, April 25, to be included in the slide show.
Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Screening for Subject-Specific and Part-Time Services; Referrals Due April 15
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to challenging all students through talent development and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of advanced learners. In the spring, schools review data on all students to determine services for the start of the next school year.
Parents or guardians can initiate the screening process by submitting the AAP School-Based Services Referral Form to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) by April 15 annually. Parents or guardians may submit a paper copy or email the referral form electronically to Lane's AART, Linda Simon ([email protected]).
The AAP School-Based Services Referral Form may be found at or by searching “AAP Forms” at
Parents or guardians who submit a referral will be notified by the local elementary school of their student’s eligibility status by early June.
For more information about the AAP program and the spring screening process read the Advanced Academic Program Spring Newsletter.
Orientation for Incoming Kindergarteners and Their Parents – Tuesday, April 1, 9:30 a.m.
It’s kindergarten registration time! Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives. Fairfax County public schools typically conduct kindergarten registration events, including orientation, between January and April. Eligible children can also be registered throughout the summer, but registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school.
Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.
A Kindergarten Orientation for our littlest new Lane lions and their families will be held on Tuesday, April 1, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. (Please note this updated time.) At this meeting, we will provide a general overview of the kindergarten program as well as a chance to meet the teachers and ask questions. While parents/guardians attend the session in the cafeteria, children will visit kindergarten classrooms.
Survey of Preschool Children
A “Survey of Preschool Children” eligible for kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is currently being conducted. We request that parents of students eligible for kindergarten complete and return this survey to our school’s office. You should have received a paper copy of the form last week.
Children who will reach their fifth birthday on or before September 30, 2025, are eligible for kindergarten this coming fall.
Please share this information with parents of rising kindergarten children in your neighborhood that may not have a child in our school and are not aware of this survey.
PTA News & Announcements
Lane Night at Chuck E. Cheese – Friday, April 4!
On Friday April 4, come play with your classmates at Chuck E. Cheese on Richmond Hwy from 5 to 9 p.m., no signup required. Twenty percent of Lane sales will be given to our Lane PTA. Just mention Lane when you arrive for your visit to count for our school!
Download the flyer for details.
Parent Resources Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun
Registration is now open for summer camps offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10 and ends Friday, June 6.
Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to allow current K-5 students to explore activities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), culinary arts, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. Watch this video about CTE camps.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four daily classes related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create fun and engaging classes.
For more information, see the Summer Learning page.
The 2025 Guide to Summer Camps is now accessible on the Family Resource Center website.
FREE Webinars from the Family Resource CenterCalming the Chaos: Teaching Emotional Regulation to Twice-Exceptional (2e) Students
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Join Dr. Oladimeji as she supports families to understand the unique emotional regulation challenges of Twice Exceptional (2e) students, including the interaction between giftedness and disabilities; identify proactive strategies to help 2e students recognize, express, and manage emotions effectively; Implement practical tools and techniques at home to foster emotional self-regulation and resilience; and collaborate with schools and professionals to support emotional growth in their child’s academic and social environments.
FCPS News & Activities
Next Steps in the Budget Process
The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22. The Board of Supervisors will then conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak.
Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.
Help and Resources for Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families
Are you concerned about your infant, toddler, or preschool-aged child's development? Resources are available if your child exhibits difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
- communication
- fine and/or gross motor skills
- self-help skills
- problem solving
- attention skills.
Learn more about typical developmental milestones.
The Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia (ITC) is the state’s early intervention system for infants and toddlers (0-36 months) with disabilities and their families. ITC provides evaluations and services for children who have developmental delays or medical conditions that may affect development. Parents are encouraged to contact ITC at 703-246-7121 to share their concerns.
Early Childhood Child Find is the process of identifying children with potential special education needs between the ages of 20 months and 5 years (children must be two by September 30).
FCPS Early Childhood Identification and Services (ECID&S) offers a free referral process to identify potential developmental delays or disabilities. Special education services are provided for all children who are found eligible through the referral process. Parents are encouraged to contact 571-423-4121 with questions or to make a referral.
Helping students meet the criteria for kindergarten readiness is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan.
Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Reid
Your voice matters, and Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS on Tuesday, April 1 at Lorton Station Elementary School from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
Community Events & Activities
Hayfield Secondary Craft Fair & Silent Auction, Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Hayfield Secondary School is holding its annual craft fair on Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be over 100 vendors selling amazing crafts, a silent auction that includes restaurant and golf gift certificates, wine packages, and more!
Admission is free. There will be food and snacks for purchase. Proceeds benefit the All-Night Grad Party, which provides a safe environment for Hayfield seniors to celebrate their graduation with friends!
7137 Beulah Street, Alexandria, VA 22315 | Phone: 703.924.7700