
Learn more about our core curriculum, special academic programs, school supply lists, and Parent Student Information System (SIS) accounts.

Across all grade levels, Lane Elementary provides a strong foundation of academic learning. Teachers in all classes structure their class curricula using the FCPS Elementary Curriculum. which is based on the state of Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOL) objectives.

Core Curriculum

  • Our core curriculum consists of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Language arts are integrated throughout the curriculum so that children realize that reading and writing are the basis for success in all subject areas. Students in grades 3 through 6 are tested in the spring in these core areas through the administration of statewide SOL Tests. Students in all four grades take tests in Reading and Math. In addition, students in fourth grade take a Virginia Studies test, and students in fifth grade take a science test. 

FIT Time 

  • FIT Time, which stands for Flexible Intervention Time, is a key part of our core curriculum in all grade levels. Each day, students have about 30 minutes of time dedicated to working on current concepts and skills. No new information is taught during this time period. Students who need extra help in certain areas receive extra support; students who have already mastered concepts participate in enrichment projects. The FIT program allows for increased differentiation and individualized instruction within the classroom, and preliminary test data is already showing what a strong impact it is having on our students at all levels.

Weekly Specials

  • In addition to the four core subject areas, all students in all grade levels receive instruction in "Specials" each week - Physical Education (P.E.), General Music, Art, Computer Lab, and Library. Classes have P.E two or three times each week, General Music twice each week., Art once each week for a longer time, and Computer Lab and Library once a week for about a half hour each.
  • Students in grades 5 and 6 may add Choral Music and either Band or Strings to their weekly schedules. Fourth-grade students may choose to study a string instrument. Students who choose instrumental music will meet just once per week with General Music teachers.

After-School Opportunities

  • Although Fairfax County does not run after-school programs for elementary students, Lane is lucky to have both an active PTA and dedicated teachers who often organize after-school enrichment classes and activities for our students. In the past, the PTA has offered a science club, a math club, a running club, language classes, drama classes, cooking classes, arts & crafts classes, basketball and lacrosse. Lane staff members currently lead an environmental club, a yearbook staff, and a French club. More exciting opportunities are being added all the time.